Dental Implants Foster Ave Chicago

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery involves Tooth Extraction, Dental Implants, Bone Grafting and Gum Grafting surgeries

At Vista Dental Center, we believe that transforming smiles should be a comfortable experience. That’s why we specialize in oral surgery – to help ensure your head, face, and mouth is taken care of safely and with the utmost compassion. Our variety of procedures includes dental implants, wisdom tooth removal, bone grafting, and crown lengthening, all while offering sedation dentistry so you can relax during the process! As experienced professionals using modern developments in dentistry for quality results tailored just for you – call us at +312-584-0041 now for more information about our treatments, or book an appointment today!

Some of the oral surgical procedures available at Vista Dental Centre include:

We take the time to listen to each patient!

> Wisdom Tooth Extractions
> Dental Implants
> Crown Lengthening
> Bone Grafting

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are sometimes necessary treatments when dental damage or decay cannot be resolved with a Root Canal. Orthodontic treatment, advanced gum disease, and other such factors may also necessitate this procedure in order to make room for braces or adult teeth growth, respectively.

Urgent Care Dentist Chicago
Wisdom Tooth extractions Foster Ave Chicago

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

As a rite of passage, wisdom teeth commonly begin to emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. At Vista Dental, Foster Ave, Chicago, we specialize in the removal of these third molars by performing safe extractions or sedation dentistry for apprehensive patients. Depending on your individual case - if there is enough room for them to safely come through, they may not need extraction – otherwise, our team can help with any pain associated with impacted teeth or overcrowding caused as a result of misalignment/tooth growth. Aftercare typically requires just a few days before you're back on track, but your dentist will explain all procedures during consultation prior to commencement should you require it!

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking solution for missing teeth. They’re easy to maintain, highly durable, and the only tooth replacement that protects your oral health. The procedure typically consists of multiple appointments over the course of several months. We offer a range of implant solutions to replace any number of missing teeth, from individual crowns to full-arch dentures. For patients who want to save time, we also feature immediate load implants that can be placed in one appointment. No matter which option you choose, you can enjoy a stunning smile that will last a lifetime with proper care.

All On-4 implants Foster Ave Chicago

Please call us for any Oral Surgery related services

We take the time to listen to each patient!